Childhood Memory

Created by Paul 10 years ago
At 10 years old in 1965 I was chosen to represent my school at the district football trial at Broadfield School on a cold Saturday morning. I was nervous and despite having my tracksuit on I was shivering. My Dad put his arms around me and immediately I felt warm. I said "Dad, why are you so warm?" He looked down and paused for a moments thought and said "because I think warm". Now, to a 10 year old boy his Dad is all powerful and full of wisdom. But I could never quite figure out what he meant - when the weather was cold I could never think warm no matter how I tried. Thankfully, before he passed away I was able to remind him of this story and I was able to ask him "Dad, what did you mean when you said you just think warm". Once again, he looked at me and paused and this time said "I dunno I just made it up". For 48 years I'd been trying to "think warm" and you made it up! Another special experience that makes me the person I am - thanks again Plip x